A report made recommendations for setting up a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Scottish 'compact' between central government, non-departmental public bodies and public agencies in Scotland and the community and voluntary sectors. (The compact was launched in 1998 and set out a framework of principles covering working relationships.)
Source: Keith Hayton, Scottish Compact Baseline Review, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Summary (pdf) | Summary
Date: 2003-Aug
The final report of the Scottish Community Planning Task Force was published. It recommended that community planning partnerships should commit themselves to all or most of the key priorities of the Scottish Executive; and that the partnerships should build the capacity of communities to be engaged in community processes, with the support of the Scottish Executive, Scottish local authorities and Communities Scotland.
Source: Final Report of Community Planning Task Force, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | SE press release
Date: 2003-May
The Scottish Executive announced plans to create an 'Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator'. It said: 'These arrangements will deliver, and deliver soon, a more robust regime of regulation, building on the wide powers available to Ministers under existing legislation'.
Source: Press release 28.5.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Press release
Date: 2003-May
A report called for the creation of a single lottery distributor in Scotland. It argued for a distribution system independent of political influence (in particular from central government in London), free to allocate funds to meet communities own priorities.
Source: The National Lottery in Scotland The future, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (0131 556 3882)
Links: Press release
Date: 2003-Jan
A report said that 'social economy' organisations in Scotland can bring added value to the delivery of public services, through their capacity to innovate, their closeness to their customers/clients and the communities in which they operate, and their access to resources such as volunteer effort and charitable donations. (Social economy organisations were defined in the report as including any of a wide range of organisations independent of the state which provide services to citizens.)
Source: A Review of the Scottish Executive's Policies to Promote the Social Economy, Voluntary Issues Unit/Scottish Executive (0131 244 3649)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report
Date: 2003-Jan